About the Green Workspace Program

The Santa Cruz County Office of Education's Green Workspace Program encourages staff to make the COE a green workplace by sharing and celebrating sustainable action! Staff participation also provides data that supports the COE's green business certification.

For classroom teachers, the COE offers an alternative program, the Green Classroom Challenge, to encourage student and classroom contributions to a sustainable future. Find out more here.

How the Green Workspace Program Works

The Green Workspace Program is designed to include all staff outside the classroom (classroom teachers are encouraged to participate with their students in the school version of the program,  the Green Classroom Challenge)! In order to recognize green practices across our organization, we hope all staff will participate by submitting a form to share the sustainable practices they are committed to.  The form includes:

Part 1: Staff Information (name, location, etc.)

Part 2: Sustainable habits you already practice 

Part 3: Five new actions you are committing to this year!

This program is open to all staff. Many commitments may be things you already do such as turning off lights when you leave a conference room or enabling sleep settings on your computer - this program is a great way to recognize all that you already do for the sustainability of our community. Flexibility is embedded into the program to allow for inclusivity. Not all actions may be applicable to everyone, so don't worry about leaving items unchecked. To encourage creative solutions, there is an "Innovations" category in which staff can submit innovative actions they are performing that weren't asked about in the action form. 

Once committed, staff receive a certificate to hang in their workspace recognizing them for their new actions.  People can't always control how efficient a building is, but they can choose the way they work within a space. Staff may be contacted for spotlight articles to inspire others or highlight unique innovations.

To get started: check out the measures here and, when you are ready, fill out the form here!