Get Green Workspace Certified!

To be a leader in sustainability, we cannot just make buildings more efficient - we must work more sustainably. Green workspace certification is designed as a spectrum to include everyone. In order to certify, individual staff members pledge to follow at least 25 of the 45 sustainable working practices in the form below. The more actions you practice, the more sustainable your work style is and, as a result, the higher your ranking!

Certification Levels by number of criteria:

Bronze: 25-30 criteria

Silver: 30-35 criteria

Gold: 35-40 criteria

Platinum: 40+ criteria

After committing to your actions using the form above, you will receive a confirmation email and then a COE staff member, Youth for Environmental Action leader or Intern will review your submission. When you are certified, you will receive a certificate to hang proudly in your workspace. The visual reminder will hopefully spark conversations with others about sustainable working environments. We will follow up by email to check on how your commitments are going, share collective impact and highlight success stories.